About LA ads

Full Service Advertising & Marketing to advance your Growth

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We are a full-service marketing firm that originated during the recession of 1991 and grew to become one of LA’s largest independent advertising agencies, known as PKPF. During the recession of 2009, the founder of LA ads, veteran creative director Dan Katz, joined marketing guru Rolf Gutknecht, and reestablished the original agency with the intention of working smaller, smarter and more swiftly to help clients market successfully in economically turbulent times.

Serving our clients is a team of results-driven marketing professionals who have worked with some of the best known brands in the country, who know how to look at each marketing challenge strategically and then drill down to the tactical level to create impact, regardless of our client’s budget constraints.

Our mission is to be an Agent of Change®.

Agent of Change” is a registered trademark of LA ads – A Marketing Agency

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